The Write Stuff
Journaling is a gateway activity to other creative endeavors
I’m putting down the proverbial paintbrush for this blog, and picking up the pen. If you’re feeling hesitant to dive into a creative arting practice, here is a fantastic gateway activity: journaling. I’m not talking about a diary or list of daily goals, although these might show up in your journal; I mean just sit down with some paper, put the pen to it and let the words flow.
If you’re anything like me, words are flowing inside your brain almost 24/7
with a constant narrative of how your day is going. You might not even notice it. Writing those words down will have a multitude of benefits:
1. Slow down the monkey mind. Your hand just isn’t going to be able to write as fast as you think. Writing your words makes you slow your thoughts down to a more mindful and peaceful pace. Who knew that was manageable!
2. Be cognizant of your self talk. Hoo, this is a good one. Are you kind to yourself? Do you use gentle language? Are you too hard on yourself for imperfections and imagined wrongdoings?
Being positive on the page is a great reminder for your inner voice to aim for positive thinking
3. Open creativity pathways. You can actually train your brain to look for creative solutions and outside of the box ideas. Letting your thoughts venture (within the confines of the written word) will teach your neurons that it’s ok to wander outside the worn paths our our every day ruts. Fly free, little Neurons!!
4. Practice self love. This is an important one. Self love and Self importance are not the same thing. No one will be looking at your journal and judging what you write, so practice giving yourself the same love and encouragement that you would give to your child or a puppy.
Don’t be afraid to put in writing, that you’re amazing. Because you are!
I spend a little time first thing every morning (but after coffee DUH), writing at least 2 pages of stream of consciousness. If my brain gets stuck, I just write ‘my brain is stuck’ or the word ‘flow’ over and over- mostly because the word ‘flow’ seems fun to write for me, so I go with it. I practice complimenting myself, and I end every entry with ‘I love you, Anjl’. I literally use my name. Not gonna lie, it felt weird at first but looking back on some past entries, I notice that I’ve gotten a little creative: ‘I love the crap out of you, Anjl’ ‘you make me proud, Anjl’, etc. I’m kind of tickled that I hadn’t even noticed the deviations.
I practice complimenting myself, and I end every entry with ‘I love you’
So if the idea of picking up a paintbrush gives you anxiety, pick up the pen first. Get to know yourself, get to love yourself, then let that creativity flow!